MPS Assists Friendship Place

This summer, MPS consultants Ben Eden and Shannon McGuire worked with Friendship Place, a DC-based nonprofit whose mission is to empower people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness, to obtain stable housing and rebuild their lives. This well-regarded NGO runs several programs, including the Family Connect Program, which helps at-risk families. The MPS team worked with staff and clients of Family Connect to help improve their program…


MPS Gives to National Park Service Initiative for Children

We all know that children who spend time outdoors are healthier and do better in school. But these days, with budget cuts in public education and more and more time spent on “screen time” as opposed to “green time,” there is an epidemic of inactivity among America’s youth. As a result, we see rising rates of obesity and other issues. Most at risk are children from underserved, urban communities.

So this June, when warm weather beckons us…


MPS CEO Assists the National Grange

M Powered Strategies’ nonprofit consulting program recently had an opportunity to assist our neighbor and landlord, the National Grange, which has been serving families and communities across the country since 1867. Today, as with so many nonprofits, budget constraints are probably the number one issue. Getting maximum value out of minimal funds requires a super tight ship.

The staff at the Grange needed help in defining their annual…


MPS Contributes to Local Nonprofit

Did you know that there are over 400,000 youth in the foster care system in the United States? Many enter the system with little more than the clothes on their backs. For the month of May, the staff at MPS elected to give $500 to Comfort Cases, whose mission is to bring comfort and dignity to the thousands of children entering the system each year, by providing book bags with essentials such as toiletries, as well as books, stuffed animals,…


MPS Contributes

As part of our Community Engagement commitment, every month M Powered Strategies contributes $500.00 to a nonprofit that is selected by the staff.  April’s recipient, Libraries Without Borders (LWB) works to ensure that regardless of their circumstances, people throughout the world can live with dignity and have an opportunity to thrive through access to information, education and culture. Working in about twenty countries across the globe,…


MPS Team Assists Capital Area Reach

Lee Levy and Brad McCandless of M Powered Strategies recently completed an ambitious project for Capital Area Reach (CAR), a nonprofit organization committed to helping young people in the DC area become successful in school, work, and the community. The MPS team helped them develop metrics to measure the success of two of their key programs: Job and Internship Placement and Community Service.

Brad and Lee conducted stakeholder interviews,…
